Copyright ©  CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE, JENNIFER K. CRUSETURNER. All rights reserved.

​​​If you prefer sending an email,
please use Please include your name, case number, and call back number (if necessary)

business hours

We recommend that you visit 
for an alternative source of case information. 

​This is a free service for debtors to view their case information.​​


business address

5350 Poplar Avenue
Suite 500
Memphis, TN 38119

(901) 821-2400

Western District Of Tennessee

Western Division

Monday thru Friday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Phones Available from
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

​​The Chapter 13 Trustee has enlisted the services of TFS Billpay.  This service allows debtors to make private and secure payments to the trustee online, without the need to obtain money orders or cashiers checks.   

For more information, click the link below.

​​​​​​​​​We have a drop box in the lobby of our building. 
Payments can be dropped in the box 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 
The box is located inside the door on the east side of the building.

jennifer k. cruseturner, CHAPTER 13 TRUSTEE